Pressure Trucks
Methanol injection for hydrate handling
Pipeline & Facility Testing
140m3 of 50/50 methanol/water storage
Running scraping pigs and or smart tools
Injecting condensate or inhibitor into pipeline to clean and trace
Injecting condensate or inhibitor downhole
Pressure Testing (various applications)
Hot Oilers
Well stimulation/circulation with hot oil/hot water
Pipeline cleaning runs with hot oil/hot water
Water heating for frac ponds and or tank farms
Tank Trucks
Fluid Hauling for Completions
Filling Poseidon tanks and or tank farms
Fluid Hauling for Well Servicing
Abandonments, etc
Fluid Management on Pipeline Testing
Support pressure testing unit with ample fluid for specific pipeline fills
Chemical Sales
Contact for current pricing
Methanol and Glycol
Solvents and Synthetic Acids
Memberships in good standing with:
Comply Works
COR Certified